Historical efforts and perspectives of ius standi before the Central American Court of Justice.
This article presents in a general way the implementation of the "Ius Standi" (access of individuals to International Jurisdictions) particularly the Central American Court of Justice (hereinafter CCJ). Through a historical overview of the access of individuals to claim their rights before different Jurisdictional Instances, the historical, legal and social need to establish a Central American Court of Justice that guarantees the respect of the law in the interpretation and execution of the Protocol of Tegucigalpa to the Charter of the Organization of Central American States (hereinafter ODECA) and its complementary instruments or acts derived from it will be shown. Only through the Central American Court of Justice that provides legal security to the Central American Integration System (hereinafter SICA), we will crystallize the unionist yearnings to turn Central America into a Region of Peace, Liberty, Democracy and Development.