No. 74 (2018): Governance and governability of the Central American Integration System: towards an effective rationale

					View No. 74 (2018): Governance and governability of the Central American Integration System: towards an effective rationale

Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública -ICAP- , headquartered in San José, Costa Rica, is published every six months. It publishes issues on Public Administration and Central American Integration with the objective of promoting a better understanding of governmental affairs, public administration and the integration of the Central American Isthmus; the content is aimed at all currents of administrative, public and regional integration thought that advocates the development of knowledge in and about Central America.
The Central American Journal of Public Administration requires authors to grant the ownership of their copyrights, so that their article and materials may be reproduced, published, edited, published, posted, communicated and transmitted publicly in any form or medium, as well as its distribution in the number of copies required and its public communication, in each of its modalities, including its availability to the public through electronic, optical or any other technology, exclusively for scientific, cultural, dissemination and non-profit purposes.


Published: 2021-08-12

