Development of Municipal Road Management in Costa Rica: Incidence of Political - Technical Elements
Cantonal Road Network, Local Governments, Road ManagementAbstract
The cantonal road network is very important to provide accessibility and mobility to users, and also encourages economic development in the rural areas. Among the strengths of the cantonal road network of Costa Rica, is the extensive coverage of the network which is consistent with the population distribution, however, the weakness is the poor quality of the roads. In the present study, the development over the last decade of Costa Rica municipal road management is analyzed, from LanammeUCR point of view, through their identity as one of the organization in charge of technical advice to local governments in matters of cantonal road networks. The current legal framework that regulates the municipal road management is described and the main factors that affect the lag of development of the cantonal road network are analyzed, beyond the problematic of resources availability. It is concluded that is essential to carry out a soon and articulated effort by the different institutions that are in charge of the management, auditing and capacity development of the municipal sector in terms of road infrastructure, to jointly contribute to the task of municipal road management. It can be said that there is still a long way to go, however the first steps towards a planned municipal road management have already being taken.