No. 50-51 (2006): Buen Gobierno y Función Pública

					View No. 50-51 (2006): Buen Gobierno y Función Pública

The development of governmental institutionality in the countries of the Central American Isthmus has responded to significant milestones in the construction of national States, with the creation of Civil Services and Administrative Careers, today popularized in the conceptual jargon as public function, being of singular importance.

Within the framework of the current modernization of public administrations in the Region and the social, economic and political changes, both domestically and globally, the quality of public service and good governance have become important assets for Central American society.

In this sense, some authors have considered that having a professional corps of public officials is a "common good" of great relevance to face the challenges of the countries of the Area. Particular examples of public administrations with a merit system for government officials have illustrated the contribution of a proven and well-qualified technocracy to the competitiveness of countries, the satisfaction of social demands, governance, transparency and sustainable development.

Thus, within the framework of these ideas, some of the relevant aspects that this topic has currently taken up in the global context are as follows:

-In the framework of the democratization and modernization processes undertaken by the governments of the Region, with the civil service becoming a fundamental element of the rule of law and of the processes of participation and democratic deepening.

An important basic characteristic of "good governance" initiatives is to rely on the institutionality of the civil service, as a body of civil servants at the service of the public administration, responding to a merit-based system, oriented to the service of the citizen, and capable of meeting the needs of society with quality.

-Recent studies on the competitiveness of nations in the context of economic globalization have shown that one of the success criteria of countries that have achieved insertion in the world economy, as well as a certain degree of sustainable development, has been due, to a certain extent, to the existence and institutionalization of a professional bureaucracy, with a meritocratic profile, well informed and with a certain capacity of autonomy to promote public policies for the collective welfare.

-Currently, the modern trend of the new public management is to consider an efficient and effective public administration as a national asset and/or a "quality public good", to promote the economic, social and political development of the countries of the Region.

With these considerations, the Central American Journal of Public Administration is honored to dedicate issues 50 and 51 to the topic of "Good Governance and Public Function.


Published: 2021-12-08


