Research in public management and the development of methodological approach models are a tool for the specialization and improvement of institutions in the Central American region. This type of approach represents one of the answers to the need for these institutions to innovate in order to be increasingly efficient, effective and better able to adapt to change.

Based on this logic, the Central American Institute of Public Administration -ICAP proposes an approach to the methodological and research processes of public management in Central America, developing this issue of the Central American Journal of Public Administration that provides content on methodologies for the evaluation of programs and projects on specific topics, as well as basic tools for research in public management, seeking that these serve as a guide to improve the competencies of public institutions in related topics.

Public management research can function as a tool to identify the impact of public policies, but it goes beyond and expands on the continuous modernization and improvement of the performance of such management, which is why the promotion of research can encourage Central American institutions to develop greater specialization and, based on this, mechanisms for cooperation can be built.

In any case, it should be clear that this type of research requires a greater level of detail, since a construction is needed that is adapted to the objectives of the organization, program or project to be studied, therefore, it is preferable to have a methodological toolbox that serves as a guide but that allows for adaptation and therefore the construction of other research processes. ICAP hopes that this issue will function as a window where some methods for public management research can be identified and from which many other spaces can be built.

Thus, the Central American Journal of Public Administration number 73 is structured as follows: the first section presents the editorial that deals with the importance of public management research in Central America, followed by articles that address the topics and that in this case study the methodological approach to research in public management, for example, a series of methodological models are presented to study specific topics such as the evaluation of life skills programs or the methodological approach to the approach of productive chains. Subsequently, a section of documents is included, where various topics on Public Administration and Management are addressed. Finally, bibliographical references and publication guidelines for authors are presented.

Published: 2021-08-10

